Even if you missed the conference, you can see the conference
materials and get inside the sample applications with the official ToolBook
User's Conference '99 CD-ROM. The CD contains session-by-session information as
well as sample applications, papers, and presentations from the first annual
ToolBook® User's Conference, held August 2-4, 1999 at The Colorado College,
Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Even if you missed the conference, you can still get the
TBCON 1999 conference CD. To order the CD, go to the Platte Canyon store.
Here is an alphabetical list of presenters:
Tim Barham, Christopher C. Bell, Darcy Gibbons Burner, Denny Dedmore, Graziano
De Finis, Tee Hiett, Lee Karns, David Lanari, Dan Lim, Jocelyn Martel, Craig S.
McDonald, Slade Mitchell, Mark Osborne, Marco Perrotti, Simon Price, Mauro
Rech, Jeff Rhodes, Graham Shipman, Simone Tani, Paolo Tosolini, Martha H.
Weller, Jeff Yeargin, and Jeffrey Zink
Sessions that are included on the CD-ROM
"Extended" Page Templates For Speeding Up CBT Development
Advanced OpenScript
Assessing Learning in CBT
Coding for the Web - A Preview of the New Actions System in Instructor 7.0
Creating Custom Objects in ToolBook
Creating Simulation: Easier, Faster, Better
Cues, Hints, Directives: Feedback Strategies For Software Simulations
Designing Learning Games Using OpenScript
Developing for Re-usability and Maintainability
From an RTF File to a WBT
Getting Wild and Saving Time With OpenScript
Harnessing the Power of ToolBook
How to Create "Let Me Try" Software Simulations with Instructor
How to Implement A Secure TB II Application on the Web
Implementation Strategies of an Internet-based Question Bank Developed with
Incorporating and Combining Microsoft Agent & Macromedia Shockwave in
ToolBook Applications
InstallShield Professional Primer for ToolBook Installations
Lessons from the ToolBook Tech Support Jungle
Leverage RealVideo G2 and SMIL Technologies To Add Multimedia Impact to Your
Web Site
Managing Your Courses in Librarian
Multimedia Tricks and Techniques
New Graphic Powers Inside ToolBook Instructor
Product Showcase: Extending Your ToolBook II Applications Using Behaviors
Product Showcase: FTS Pro™
Product Showcase: Learning & Mastering ToolBook II Instructor &
Product Showcase: Other Platte Canyon Products
Product Showcase: Plug-In Pro™ - Introduction and Training
Product Showcase: Progress Tracker™ - Introduction and Training
Product Showcase: TBK Tracker™ - Introduction and Training
Ready for Prime Time: Harnessing the Power of ToolBook II Assistant 7.0
Repurposing for the Web
Scripted Authoring
Self-Generating Exercises
The "How's and Why's" of Creating Tracking Systems in Instructor
The Ins and Outs of Viewers
ToolBook and the 21st Century
ToolBook Speaks ODBC
Using 3D Animation to Improve CBT - A Case Study
Using ActiveX controls with ToolBook II
Web Marketing Management: The Case Study of the Asymetrix Web Site
The ToolBook User's Conference 1999 CD is $5.
Ordering Information
Toll Free (US and Canada) 1-888-ToolBk-1 (1-888-866-5251)
International: (001+) (719) 548-1110.
Web store:
Attendee Comments:
The conference lived up to everything it was advertised to be and more. While the regular conference was great, I really enjoyed the pre conference. Those who did not attend the preconference really missed seeing you guys in action and what you have to share. I have already incorporated a couple of the things I learned at the conference.
It was incredibly valuable for me and I know that every attendee that I spoke with was impressed with the quality and professionalism of the conference. Pat yourselves on the back for a job very well done.
Great conference! How you guys pull it off with only 24 hrs in a day (and be able to play basketball) amazes me.
I appreciated the repetition of sessions. That enabled me to hit all the ones I wanted. The variety and number of topics were very good.
Excellent conference. Very little fluff.
Excellent! Top value for money! Superb! And aimed and developers just right! Don't mess with success! Don't upscale!