ToolBook User's Conference / e-Learning Authoring Conference 2008 Resources
The tenth year of The ToolBook User's Conference and the third year of The
e-Learning Authoring Conference (June 13 - 18, 2008) was quite an event.
Overseas attendance was at an all-time high, with developers from South Africa,
Israel, Denmark, Australia, and the UK all in attendance. They joined
developers from around the U.S. to see previews of ToolBook 9.5, learn ToolBook
and Flash tips, get introduced to Silverlight, pick up some management tips,
meet fellow members of the ToolBook List, and much more. Here are some initial
After learning a lot, spending time with friends, enjoying the official
reception, banquet, music, and the non-official Phantom-Canyon gathering, I
feel refreshed and energized.
I just wanted to drop a note and say how much I enjoyed the conference! I think
one of the best parts of the conference was the opportunities to network and
establish contacts with experienced ToolBook and Tracker.Net users.
I thoroughly enjoyed the conference. I made some good contacts and was very
impressed by the cooperation exhibited by attendees, both individuals and
vendors. It's quite a refreshing change from some experiences in the past.
It was another great TBCON!!!!
Here are a few highlights:
SumTotal Systems ToolBook Design Awards
Congratulations to these design award winners:
Best Content in Healthcare
- Ian Minderman, Humana, Inc.
Best Content in Manufacturing / Hi-Tech
– Margie Grande, Malt-O-Meal / Iris Peceny, Goodrich
Best Mobile Learning Content - Tom Hall, TCC Publishing Inc.
All teams won an Apple iPod Touch®, courtesy of SumTotal Systems.
Thanks go to SumTotal Systems for sponsoring this contest. Sheri Miller did
great work judging all the excellent entries and hosting Show & Tell
sessions that featured both the entries and other notable applications!
Hack Ack
The topic this year was Olympics. Mauro Rech and Lee Jay Karns (aka Mr. Peabody)
incorporated some old video by Andrew Gould into a funny "blast from the past."
Dane Williams created a hilarious Olympic showcase with special events from
below the Mason-Dixon Line. Lucy McKain chimed in with an excellent Olympic
animation. Despite two rounds of audience judging led by Bob Culver, there was
no clear winner. So we all agreed that all three entries tied for 1st!
Jeff Rhodes got things started with TBCON Olympic winners for attendance at
TBCON: Bliss Bignall and Tomas Lund (7); Tom Hall, Peter Hoyt, Jamy
Krulikowski, and Simon Price (8); Denny Dedmore (9); Tim Barham, Lee Jay Karns,
Mauro Rech, and Jeff Rhodes (11 including TBCON Europe in 2001). This was
followed by SumTotal Olympics with prizes given for correctly answering
Asymetrix/click2learn/SumTotal questions. A highlight was Brad Crain knocking
over a water pitcher when tossing a T-shirt to a "lucky" winner:).
Attendee Comments:
I want you to know that I really enjoyed the conference and am hoping that my company will send me every year!
By the way, great experience at my first TBCON last week! Good presentations, friendly people, and good take aways! Can't wait to get my hands on the presenter's materials!
it was a great conference!
The best part was the opportunity to speak face to face with ToolBook and SumTotal people as well as the chance to get ideas from others.
Great content!
My favorite part was the direct communication with so many SumTotal folks.